Insulation Pros of Surrey

Providing quality, efficient and affordable services to the local residents and businesses in Surrey BC and surrounding area.

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Insulation Installation Surrey, BC

Insulation is essential to residential homeownership in Surrey; we all know that it can get more than a bit chilly in the winter. Without proper insulation, you and your family will be left with a home that is too cold and drafty in the winter months and too hot in the summer. Insulation works to keep your heat and AC where it is needed the most, inside your home. Hopefully, your home came with insulation properly and adequately installed, but most of the time, there is still some room for improvement. Here are four areas where Insulation Pros of Surrey recommends getting proper insulation installed in your home. Contact us today at (604) 924-7438

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Our Residential Insulation Services

Our insulation contractors want to help you with your new home build by providing the information you will need to ensure your house gets the best insulation installed to prevent high energy bills and air loss. Our team provides the best insulation services in Surrey, BC to ensure that residents get top quality insulation installed at a budget they can afford. From cheap insulation options to the best money can buy. The choice is yours to make. We provide the information to make an educated decision that is best for you family and home.

Exterior Wall Insulation

This one should be a no-brainer. The exterior walls of your home are your first line of defence against the temperatures and elements outside. Without adequate amounts of insulation in the exterior walls, you are relying on basically just the siding and drywall to keep you toasty and warm in the winter. Anyone who knows anything about siding, drywall and Surrey, BC winters can see the problem here. This would be like going out in just a windbreaker and expecting to be warm; you need the insulation of a sweater or down coat to last any length of time outside. If you feel your home isn’t maintaining the temperatures you expect or your bills are higher than they should be we can help you replace the insulation in your walls.

You can reach us at (604) 924-7438 for your installation experts.

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Basement Insulation

Insulating your basement is an important step in transforming the space into a temperature-controlled area. Due to their underground nature, basements are temperature controlled to a certain point but adding insulation will go a long way in making the room more comfortable. We’ve all had those summers where it’s cooler to sleep in the basement, but impossibly cold to be down there during the winter months. This is why our residential insulation installers work with our clients to help assess the level of insulation needed for their basements.


There are three points where you might want to consider insulating your basement; the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. For general home heating, unfinished basement ceiling insulation will go a long way in keeping your heat contained to the upper floors of your home. If you have a finished basement, then insulating the floor and walls will ensure that the heat remains in your home. Any basement insulation will help keep your home warm or cool, depending on the season. 

Garage Insulation

Insulating the garage is an area that can get overlooked. You probably aren't trying to fully heat or cool your garage during any season, but a lack of insulation here can affect the rest of your home. Consider insulating the ceiling of your garage if the living space above it tends to be colder or warmer than the rest of the house. Similarly, any other walls that are shared between the main house and the garage could do with extra insulation as they are essentially acting as exterior walls. The long-term investment of hiring Insulation Pros of Surrey to help you with your garage insulation installation will be just that, an investment by reducing your heat loss or gains depending on the season.

If you have a heated garage you will want to keep as much of that inside as possible to keep your heating bill down. As well as ensuring that your space remains warm and any projects or vehicles you keep in there. Having the correct R-value rated insulation is a big part of that. Since your garage isn't an exterior wall between the house and garage, you won't need as high rated insulation. The walls of the garage that are exterior walls should have the same type you choose for the interior of your home. Due to the yearly weather conditions that we see it is recommend to have an R-30 to R-35.


No matter which option you go with, adding extra insulation in these areas in your home will help keep you comfortable while also saving you a bit on your heating or cooling costs. The team with Insulation Pros of Surrey is ready to consult on what type of insulation installation service would be best for you. Including to help you choose the correct R-value that is best for each area we insulate.

Signs You Need to Redo the Vapour Barrier in Your Home

Vapour barriers provide an important physical barrier for your home. A home without a proper barrier installed might as well not be insulated at all. It is the key component to ensuring the restriction of air and moisture vapour moving throughout the home. If damaged or not installed properly you will see many issues long-term within your home. Let's start by looking at what a vapour barrier is and how it works.

What is a vapour barrier, and how does it work?

A vapour barrier is a membrane that lines the space between your drywall and the insulation on the exterior walls of your home. The main job of a vapour barrier is to keep warm, moist air from entering your wall space, leading to condensation and possible mould or other problems. The air inside your home is generally warm and moist compared to the outside. This is a result of home activities like cooking or showering, which release moisture into the air. This moisture, known as water vapour, will naturally move through materials seeking out dryer or cooler spaces, trying to leave through the exterior walls, floors, or ceiling of your home. As the water vapour reaches a cooler space, it will condense and turn back into the water. If the water vapour turns to liquid in the walls of your home, you risk a build-up of moisture, causing damp problems, which, left untreated, can result in mould or mildew growth and potential structural damage or health problems for your family. 

vapour barrier installation services

A vapour barrier stops this condensation process from happening as it blocks the warm moist air from reaching a cooler area. Vapour barriers are required by building codes in areas where the winter temperatures are considered to be cold, which includes the Surrey, BC community. 

When should you redo your vapour barrier? 

A vapour barrier can last for many years, if not the lifetime of the home, but there are certain instances where redoing or repairing it might be necessary. It may seem like the insulation is causing the problem when it could be the vapour barrier that is the issue. Recognizing the signs including those issues out of your control can keep you from putting money into a project that doesn't make sense. We can assess your home and help you stay on budget with your renovation project.

Water Problems

If you have noticed unexplained water damage, moisture or musty smells, then it might be a sign that your vapour barrier is not performing. There are certainly many different explanations, like plumbing, from water damage, but it is still important to consider a faulty vapour barrier as the culprit. When moisture is getting in pools of water will form within the walls leaving your with a larger problem than just a faulty vapour barrier. This should be addressed urgently to keep the problem from spreading.

Rodents or Wildlife in Your Home

If you have had problems with any rodents or wildlife, like mice or pests in your attic or walls, then you should check that your vapour barrier is still intact. These unwelcome house guests can tear through the vapour barrier effectively breaking this crucial seal, and causing additional trouble after their eviction. The plastic or foil used can be easily chewed through or torn. A broken seal means air could move freely throughout the walls or attic. Vapour barrier replacement is the best way to fix the issue.

Not Up to Code

In older homes or ones that have had a lot of contractors conduct work, it's possible that the vapour barrier is not up to code or lacking in some way. Depending on when your home was built, water vapour may not have been a requirement, meaning you could be missing an important layer of protection. On the other hand, if you have had a lot of work done on your home in terms of electrical wiring or alarm systems, then your vapour barrier may have been compromised over time. 

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Our Service Area

  • Burnaby
  • Richmond
  • Surrey
  • Coquitlam
  • Port Coquitlam
  • Delta
  • Vancouver
  • New Westminster
  • Maywood
  • Champlain Heights
  • Dartmoor
  • Port Moody
  • Annacis Island
  • Seafair
  • Steveston
  • Surrey Newton
  • Newton

Whatever the case is for your home, Insulation Pros of Surrey are available to verify your insulation and vapour barrier are intact or redo it as necessary.

Reach out to the team today for your no obligation assessment and estimate.

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